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Fees - Dr Stuart Lorimer


Clinic visits:
Initial assessment with Dr Lorimer (60 minutes) £400.00
General follow-up assessments (30 minutes) £200.00

These fees cover appointment costs only. If blood tests, etc. are required which are not covered within a shared care agreement with the GP, then these may incur additional cost.

Please note that follow-up and counselling appointments are only available for booking following an initial assessment.

Written reports:
A comprehensive written report is included in the assessment fee. This can be addressed to the referrer and/or the individual themselves. If a GRC report is needed, this can be provided instead. If two or more separate reports are required, an additional fee of £50 per report is incurred.

Payment methods:
Payment can be by cash or cheque (made payable to Dr Stuart Lorimer) or, by advance arrangement, into a specified account. Advance payment is appreciated.

Dr Lorimer does not deal directly with medical insurance companies and will expect medically insured clients to obtain reimbursement themselves from their insurance company.

Fees - Christella Antoni

For fees, please go to

For Transgender Voice Modification a course of approximately 12 sessions is recommended. Payment in advance required for all treatment blocks.

Fees include therapy worksheets and any required written reports.

Payment methods:
By bank transfer to Account: 61762504. Sort code: 60-10-10.
By cheque in advance or on day of treatment.
By cash on day of treatment.

Insurance companies are billed directly by Christella Antoni Voice & Speech Services. Self-pay clients are required to pay for services by cheque or cash. Alternatively, payments can be made in advance directly into a specified account.

Private consulting rooms:
1st floor, 4 Paddington st, London, W1U 5QE (Baker st tube).
Entrance to No.4 just by entrance to James Taylor Shoe shop, towards Marylebone High St end of Paddington St.

Contact info:
Tel: 07710 006511
(P.A. Wayne Ingram: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.)

Health insurance Cover:
Speech & Language therapy is covered by most leading Health Insurance companies regarding ‘Dysphonia’ (voice difficulty). This includes conditions such as hoarse voice and includes conditions such as nodules and vocal cord paralysis. However, the patient must be referred to speech Therapy by a consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Consultant. You will need to check with your insurance company regarding amount/type of cover and provide your membership and authorisation number before or at your initial appointment.

Written reports:
For clients referred by a Consultant doctor, an initial report will be sent to the referrer. This is included in the initial assessment fee. Additional reports incur a fee of £45.00.

Fees - Dr Leighton Seal


Clinic visits:
Initial assessment with Dr Seal (60 minutes) £300.00
General follow-up assessments (30 minutes) £170.00

These fees cover appointment costs only. If blood tests, etc. are required which are not covered within a shared care agreement with the GP, then these may incur additional cost.

Please note that follow-up is only available for booking following an initial assessment.

Written reports:
A comprehensive written report is included in the assessment fee. This can be addressed to the referrer and/or the individual themselves. If additional reports are required, an additional fee of £50 per report is incurred.

Payment methods:
Payment can be by cash or cheque (made payable to Dr Leighton Seal) or, by advance arrangement, into a specified account. Advance payment is appreciated.

Dr Seal does not deal directly with medical insurance companies and will expect medically insured clients to obtain reimbursement themselves from their insurance company.

Fees - Dr Robin Dundas


All appointments are online:
Initial assessment: (120 minutes) £400.00
General follow up appointments: £130.00

Bookings for assessment will be confirmed on receipt of payment.

Fees - Dr Vikinjeet Bhatia


Clinic visits:
Initial assessment, including report: (90 minutes) £595.00
Gender Recognition reports for new clients (90minutes) £595.00
Follow up assessment (for current clients) £200.00
Surgical assessments (for current clients) £400.00
Letter of endorsement for change of gender and name on passport and/or driving licence (existing clients only). No charge

These fees cover appointment costs and reports only.

In some cases an extended assessment will be necessary or a second opinion might be needed, this will be advised (if needed) following the initial assessment.

Payment methods:

Payments are made via online bank transfer only. 

Dr Bhatia does not deal directly with medical insurance companies and will expect medically insured clients to obtain reimbursement themselves from their insurance company.

Fees - Dr Jonny Coxon


Updated from April 2024 (first change in fees since 2018):
Clinic visits:
Initial assessment with Dr Coxon (60 minutes) £275.00
General follow-up assessments £160.00

These fees cover consultation costs, report writing, and any ongoing correspondence with GPs and other health care professionals between appointments (regarding reviewing results, adjustments to hormone therapy, etc).

Please note that follow-up appointments are only available for booking following an initial endocrinology assessment with Dr Coxon.

Reviews are advised every 6-9 months for the first 2 years, annually thereafter, usually until an NHS gender identity clinic takes over.

Payment methods:
Invoices are sent out before consultations (usually around 3 weeks beforehand), with a link for online payment. Prompt payment at that stage is appreciated, thank you.

Dr Coxon does not deal directly with medical insurance companies and will expect medically insured clients to obtain reimbursement themselves from their insurance company.

Fees - Dr Peter Hammond

Clinic visits:
New patient appointment £275.00
Follow-up appointments £160.00

These fees cover appointment costs, and any ongoing correspondence with GPs and other health professionals (regarding results, treatment, etc). If blood tests are required that are not covered within a shared care agreement with the GP, then these may incur an additional cost. Please note that follow-up appointments are only available for booking following an initial endocrinology assessment by myself.

Payment methods:
We will send out an invoice prior to your appointment to make payment via bank transfer. Advanced payment is appreciated. Dr Hammond does not deal directly with medical insurance companies and will expect medically insured clients to obtain reimbursement themselves from their insurance company.

Fees - Dr King Sun Leong

Clinic visits:
New patient appointment £250.00
Follow-up appointments £165.00

Payment Methods:
Appointments are paid for in advance to confirm the consultation. Payment is by bank transfer.

Fees - Dr Richard Quinton

Clinic visits:
New patient appointment £275.00
Follow-up appointments £175.00

Fees - Dr Christine Mimnagh

Clinic visits:
New patient appointment £275.00
Follow-up appointments £160.00

These fees cover appointment costs, and any ongoing correspondence with GPs and other health professionals (regarding results, treatment, etc). If blood tests are required that are not covered within a shared care agreement with the GP, then these may incur an additional cost. Please note that follow-up appointments are only available for booking following an initial hormonal assessment by myself.

Payment methods:
We will send out an invoice prior to your appointment to make a payment online. Advanced payment is appreciated. Dr Mimnagh does not deal directly with medical insurance companies and will expect medically insured clients to obtain reimbursement themselves from their insurance company.

Fees - Dr Victoria Millson-Brown

Clinic visits:
New patient appointment £275.00
Follow-up appointments £160.00


For more information please
choose a clinician and email them directly
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